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ยท One min read
Santthosh Babu Selvadurai
Maintainer of Assistants Hub

๐Ÿšข Latest feature updates to AssistantsHub: Analytics functionality! Now available in the Analytics tab for each assistant, you can access Thread and Message metrics to gain insights into interactions. This addition aims to support more informed decisions and improvements in how your assistants engage with users. #AssistantsHub #AnalyticsUpdate #AIAssistants #AI #CustomerExperience #openai #opensource



ยท One min read
Santthosh Babu Selvadurai
Maintainer of Assistants Hub

๐Ÿšข Excited to share our latest update on AssistantsHub: the new Conversations Tab is here! This addition makes it simpler to review interactions between users and #AIAssistants. Access conversation history to improve assistant performance. It's a straightforward yet effective tool for anyone focused on #ArtificialIntelligence and enhancing #CustomerSupport. Explore this new feature and see how it can refine your service quality. #AI #TechNews #CustomerExperience #openai #opensource #AssistantsHub

Come join me in building Open Source #AssistantsHub

First Preview

ยท One min read
Santthosh Babu Selvadurai
Maintainer of Assistants Hub

๐Ÿš€ Thrilled to announce the launch of Assistants Hub (, my latest open-source project that's been in the works since early January! ๐ŸŒŸ It's a user-friendly portal designed to empower everyone to create and integrate AI assistants (powered by OpenAI's technology) into their websites or apps in just minutes.

The journey ahead is filled with exciting plans and I can't wait to explore them! โœจ If you're passionate about AI and want to contribute, I'd love to hear from you. Let's innovate together! #OpenSource #AI #Innovation #TechCommunity #openaiproducts #openai #github #samaltman

Assistants Hub


ยท One min read
Santthosh Babu Selvadurai
Maintainer of Assistants Hub

Welcome to Assistants Hub, where you can Build, Integrate, and Deploy AI Assistants in Minutes. This project leverages the power of Next.js and OpenAI to provide a streamlined platform for creating sophisticated AI assistants. Our mission is to democratize AI development, making it accessible for developers, hobbyists, and businesses to innovate and implement AI solutions effortlessly.